PromptLayer offers a few options for configuring and creating evaluation pipelines programmatically in your workflows. This is ideal for users who require the flexibility to run evaluations from code, enabling seamless integration with existing CI/CD pipelines or custom automation scripts.

Building a Dataset

To run evaluations, you’ll need a dataset against which to test your prompts. Luckily, you can create datasets from your request history programmatically via the API.

  • Endpoint: /dataset-from-filter-params
  • Description: Create a dataset in PromptLayer programmatically. Datasets are built from request history.
  • Payload Filters: When specifying search query filters, include the required name parameter and the workspace_id. Optionally, you can define a start_time and an end_time to filter requests within a specific timeframe, both given as datetime objects. The metadata parameter allows for a list of objects, each with a key and a value. For more granular control, use the prompt_template to filter for requests using a specific template, a query string q for additional filtering, and scores. Tags can be added through the tags parameter as a list of strings, and the number of requests returned can be limited with the limit parameter.

Example Payload

    "name": "my-dataset",
    "workspace_id": 32,
    "tags_and": ["prod"],
    "metadata": [
            "key": "name",
            "value": "bucky"
    "prompt_template": {
        "name": "my_prompt_template",
        "version_numbers": [

Creating a Pipeline

You can create and configure a pipeline programmatically.

To create an evaluation pipeline, also known as a report, make a POST request to /reports with a name and dataset ID (test_dataset_id).

Configuring Steps

The evaluation pipeline consists of steps, each referred to as a “report column”. To configure these steps, you will need to make POST requests to add each desired step to your pipeline.

Example Payload 1

For example, to add a step that runs the newest version of your prompt template, make a POST request to /report-columns with the following configuration:

    "column_type": "PROMPT_TEMPLATE",
    "name": "prompt response",
    "configuration": {
        "engine": {
            "provider": "openai",
            "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
            "parameters": {
                "temperature": 0.5,
                "max_tokens": 256
        "template": {
            "name": "my_prompt_template",
            "version_number": None # This means grab the latest version
        "prompt_template_variable_mappings": {
            "food": "", # The dataset will expose context variables as "variable.[variable_name]"
            "ingredients": "variable.ingredients"
    "report_id": report_id

Example Payload 2

Another example where we add an API endpoint column afterwards:

    "column_type": "ENDPOINT",
    "name": "RAG-Step",
    "configuration": {
        "url": "",
    "report_id": report_id