To get started, create an account by clicking “Log in” on PromptLayer. Once logged in, click the button to create an API key and save this in a secure location (Guide to Using Env Vars).
Once you have that all set up, install PromptLayer using npm
Set up a PromptLayer client in your JavaScript file.
import { PromptLayer } from "promptlayer";
const promptLayerClient = new PromptLayer();
Optionally, you can specify the API key in the client.
const promptLayerClient = new PromptLayer({ apiKey: "pl_****" });
In the JavaScript file where the OpenAI APIs are integrated, include the following lines. They enable PromptLayer to track your requests without additional code modifications.
import { PromptLayer } from "promptlayer";
const promptLayerClient = new PromptLayer();
const OpenAI = promptLayerClient.OpenAI;
const openai = new OpenAI();
You can then use openai
as you would if you had imported it directly.
Your OpenAI API Key is never sent to our servers. All OpenAI requests are
made locally from your machine, PromptLayer just logs the request.
PromptLayer allows you to add tags through the pl_tags
argument. This allows you to track and group requests in the dashboard.
Tags are not required but we recommend them!{
messages: [{ role: "user", content: "Say this is a test" }],
model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
pl_tags: ["test"],
Returning request id: return_pl_id
PromptLayer provides an option to retrieve the request id using the return_pl_id
argument. When set to true, it returns a tuple where the second element is the request id.{
messages: [{ role: "user", content: "Say this is a test" }],
model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
return_pl_id: true,
The PromptLayer JavaScript library also supports TypeScript. You can type cast the OpenAI
class to typeof BaseOpenAI
to get the correct typings.
import BaseOpenAI from "openai";
import { PromptLayer } from "promptlayer";
const promptLayerClient = new PromptLayer({ apiKey: process.env.PROMPTLAYER_API_KEY });
const OpenAI: typeof BaseOpenAI = promptLayerClient.OpenAI;
const openai = new OpenAI();
You can also use our custom attributes pl_tags
and return_pl_id
with TypeScript. You will need to add the @ts-ignore
comment to ignore the TypeScript error.{
messages: [{ role: "user", content: "Say this is a test" }],
model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
return_pl_id: true,
This is because the pl_tags
and return_pl_id
arguments are not part of the OpenAI API.
Using Anthropic with PromptLayer is very similar to how to one would use OpenAI.
Below is an example code snippet of the one line replacement:
import { PromptLayer } from "promptlayer";
const promptLayerClient = new PromptLayer({ apiKey: process.env.PROMPTLAYER_API_KEY });
const Anthropic = promptLayerClient.Anthropic;
const anthropic = new Anthropic();
const response = anthropic.completions.create({
prompt: `${Anthropic.HUMAN_PROMPT} How many toes do dogs have? more information more information more${Anthropic.AI_PROMPT}`,
stop_sequences: [Anthropic.HUMAN_PROMPT],
model: "claude-v1-100k",
max_tokens_to_sample: 100,
pl_tags: ["test-anthropic-1"],
return_pl_id: true,
Here is how it would look like on the dashbaord:
PromptLayer can be used with Edge functions. Please use either our Javascript library or REST library directly.
import BaseAnthropic from "@anthropic-ai/sdk";
import { PromptLayer } from "promptlayer";
const promptLayerClient = new PromptLayer({ apiKey: process.env.PROMPTLAYER_API_KEY });
const Anthropic: typeof BaseAnthropic = promptLayerClient.Anthropic;
const anthropic = new Anthropic();
export const runtime = "edge";
export const POST = async () => {
const response = await anthropic.messages.create({
messages: [
role: "user",
content: "What is the capital of France?",
max_tokens: 100,
model: "claude-3-sonnet-20240229",
return Response.json(response.content[0].text);
Or use streaming. Here’s another example that can be run in NextJS on edge.
import BaseAnthropic from "@anthropic-ai/sdk";
import { AnthropicStream, StreamingTextResponse } from "ai";
import { PromptLayer } from "promptlayer";
const promptLayerClient = new PromptLayer({ apiKey: process.env.PROMPTLAYER_API_KEY });
export const runtime = "edge";
const Anthropic: typeof BaseAnthropic = promptLayerClient.Anthropic;
const anthropic = new Anthropic();
export const POST = async (request: Request) => {
const { messages } = await request.json();
const response = await anthropic.messages.create({
max_tokens: 100,
model: "claude-3-sonnet-20240229",
stream: true,
const stream = AnthropicStream(response);
return new StreamingTextResponse(stream);